Quick Facts

Men's Health

Men's Health

Enlarged Prostate

Most men will be diagnosed with BPH…

Sexual Health

Sexual health is important for a man’s wellbeing…


A lifetime of pregnancy prevention in one…


See our qualified physicians

Our Men's Health Specialists

Chief of Pathology 

Dr. Korman, Howard

Chief of Pathology 

McDevitt, William

Staff Urologist

Dr. Kearney, David

Staff Urologist

Men's Health

Helping men live longer, happier, more fulfilling lives.

Some health concerns are unique to men – like sexual and prostate health.  Problems in these areas can have a big impact on a man’s quality of life. We help men live longer, happier, and more fulfilling lives by providing them with specialized care and advanced treatment options.

We offer all of this in a confidential guys-only clinic, staffed by an all-male medical team of urologists, a nurse practitioner, medical assistants, and technicians.

Urologists are the real experts in men’s health, providing real, responsible answers.

Sexual Health

An X-ray or CT scan will reveal the location, size and number of stones, all of which will be used to determine appropriate treatment.

Small Stones: If your stone is small, your doctor may recommend you try to pass it out in your urine. To do this, you need to drink a lot of water so that your urine is almost clear. Normally, your doctor will prescribe a pain medication to help with the discomfort and a medication help your ureters (the tubes that carry urine) relax to allow the stone to pass.

Large or Complicated Stones: If your stone is too large to pass, blocking the flow of urine or causing other complications, your doctor may recommend one of these treatments.

  • Shockwave Lithotripsy: In an outpatient surgery center, your urologist uses a machine called a lithotripter to direct ultrasonic shock waves to hit the stone repeatedly until it crumbles into small particles that you pass in your urine. This is the most frequently used procedure for eliminating kidney stones.  Read more about Lithotripsy…
  • Ureteroscopy:  In this procedure, your urologist passes a flexible tube with a camera through your urethra. A wisk-like basket on the end of the scope snares the stone and removes it. If the stone is too large, the urologist can use a laser inserted through the scope to break the stone apart. After a ureteroscopy, the urologist places a stent in the ureter to hold it open until the swelling subsides. The stent is removed a days later.
  • Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy:  For large stones that can’t be effectively treated with lithotripsy or ureteroscopy, your urologist can perform a minimally-invasive surgery through a 1-centimeter incision in your back. Using a scope and special tools, the urologist can break apart the stone and suction it out.

BPH – Enlarged Prostate

Most men will be diagnosed with BPH (an enlarged prostate) in their lifetime. BPH can cause bothersome symptoms like getting up multiple times a night to urinate. (take the BPH quiz here)

New advances in BPH treatment are helping men take back control of their urinary habits. Our physicians offer a wide variety of BPH treatment options including medications and minimally invasive procedures. (Schedule appointment)


A lifetime of pregnancy prevention in one simple procedure.  Most men are surprised to find out a vasectomy only takes 15 minutes and is done in the office. It’s often covered by insurance and has no effect on testosterone level, sex drive, etc.

If your family is done growing, consider the peace of mind you would get from a vasectomy. (Schedule appointment)

Request an appointment now ​

Getting an accurate diagnosis can be one of the most impactful experiences that you can have — especially if you’ve been in search of that answer for a while. We can help you get there.

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